Tuesday, June 29, 2010

musical madness

Yesterday, I went to a festival in my town. It was mazingly hot and everyone was trying to find a spot in the shade. I heard an amazing cuban group, Ska Cubano, and loved the rhythm. And, I got an Airbrush tattoo! Now, I've been thinking about getting this tattoo for real for quite a while now and I thought I might as well have it airbrushed on to 'try it on' before I buy...

Sorry for the grumpy look..

(L) the music, despite the heat they got the whole crowd to dance.


Monday, June 28, 2010


Because if you're sweating already, you might as well move your hips to a smooth beat:

Friday, June 25, 2010

Shopping Spree

I spent today spending my money on fabulous sale items.. I bought a skirt at ZARA, wedges/flipflops at the 'Bijnekorf' from Pied A Terre, Three great sweaters at a little shop that is closing down soon and an amazing little black suede embellished party bag from ZARA too.

Here's my loot:

And my absolute favorite find...

I absolutely adore it already..

I spent yesterday afternoon at the beach with the dogs. It was great so relax for a while and to just walk and think.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

wooden watches

Found these watches by Lucius & Ki online and I belive I am in L O V E. The have actual wooden faceplates and you can see the clockwork through little peekholes.. I especially like the one on the left. Sadly they're not available yet, but hopefully they will be soon.

party cravings

I've not been that active today. Just chilling around the house. I did cook myself a delicious meal (green beans in smoked ham with a mushroom cream sauce). My outfit wasn't half as noteworthy as the meal was, I must admit. Just an old pair of boyfriend shorts and a comfi shirt, absolutly mismatched with my most comfortable Uggs...

Now I really feel like going to a party. Sadly it's a tuesday nigt, so no party night here.. So there's only one thing left to do: fake it 'till you make it: find some inspirational pics for any future party endeavours :p


Charlotte Casiraghi


Leighton Meester

partpics by markthecobrasnake

Sunday, June 13, 2010

sunshine - shade

It has been about a week since we experienced some summer weather in Holland. I put on a pair of shorts and ran into the sunshine. It was an amazing day. I had coffee with some friends, and then I met up with my mom who brought the dogs and we spent the afternoon relaxing, reading and tanning in the park.

shorts & flipflops: H&M; Shirt: vintage
(not my most flattering pic but you get the idea, right?)